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Showing posts from May, 2019

Social Media for the past present and the future

Social media has been readily evolving for years now  its  something that has been part of our lives for a very long time, for the past decade to be exact. There’s been moments in which we’d hate social media,  that its evil and that people can use it for evil and that it will get the better of us one day, now some of that may hold true, there’s positives and negatives to social medias impact on our everyday lives and that’s what I want to discuss today, to dig down on the importance of social media and its impact it’s had in the past, the present and the future to come, narrowing it more down from 2014 , 2019 and 2024. While it’s a long time off in 2024 its fine to talk about such things given how things are like now in 2019 and how they’d look in 2024.    For the most part I feel as though back in the early days of 2014 we’d all agree that most of us weren’t even on social media or even knew what it was, that’s not to say it didn’t exist but it was present in my life that’s f